dr Marc Burman

Stanowisko: staż podoktorski

Zainteresowania naukowe: Wpływ zmian klimatu na pierzenie i wędrówki ptaków podejmujących dalekodystansowe migracje między Palearktyką a Afryką; synchronizacja cykli życiowych (fenologia), mechanizmy ich zmian i ograniczenia w adaptacji; statystyka ekologiczna.

Zadania: Prowadzenie badań w ramach projektu: ”Building an Early Warning System for Biodiversity in the Face of Climate Change” (BEW), wsparcie statystyczne dla zespołu Stacji.

E-mail: marc.burman[at]uct.ac.za

Telefon: (+48 58) 523-61-56


Citizen science reveals complex changes in barn swallow phenology in South Africa over three decades [Kompleksowe zmiany fenologii dymówek w Południowej Afryce na przestrzeni trzech dekad, wykazane dzięki nauce obywatelskiej]. University of Cape Town, 2016. Praca doktorska. Promotorzy: Les Underhill, Res Altwegg, Birgit Erni, Magdalena Remisiewicz.

Burman, M. S., Underhill, L. G., Altwegg, R., Erni, B., Remisiewicz, M. & MacLeod, J. (Submitted). Migratory connectivity of barn swallows in South Africa to their Palearctic breeding grounds.

Remisiewicz M., Tree A.J., Underhill L.G., Burman M.S. 2016. Age-specific variation in relationship between moult and pre-migratory fuelling in Wood Sandpipers Tringa glareola in southern Africa. Ibis 159: 91–102.


Burman, M. S., Underhill, L. G., Altwegg, R., Erni, B. & M. Remisiewicz. 2016. Complex phenological changes in European barn swallows in South Africa from 1987 to 2012. Third National Global Change Conference, Boksburg, Gauteng, 5-8.12.2016 (poster).

Burman, M. S., Underhill, L. G., Altwegg, R., Erni, B. & M. Remisiewicz. 2016. Palearctic Barn Swallows at their South African non-breeding grounds responding to global climate change: Evidence and evolutionary considerations. Polish Evolutionary Congress, University of Białystok, Białystok, Poland, 26-28.09.2016 (referat).

Burman, M. S., Underhill, L. G., Altwegg, R., Erni, B. & M. Remisiewicz. 2016. Barn swallow phenological changes in South Africa over three decades. Birdnumbers 2016 – European Bird Census Council conference, Halle, Germany, 5-9.09.2016 (poster).

Burman, M. S., Underhill, L. G., Altwegg, R., Erni, B. & M. Remisiewicz. 2013. Barn swallows responding to climate change. Biodiversity SA Conference, UCT, Cape Town, 2-6.12. 2013 (referat).

Burman, M. S., Underhill, L. G., Altwegg, R., Erni, B. & M. Remisiewicz. 2013. Barn swallows responding to climate change: trends in timing of moult. SAFRING Barberspan Bird Ringing Conference, North West, 20.11.2013 (referat).

UCT SPSC Annual Science Symposium, in 2013 (referat).

SAEON-GSN Indibano, Kirstenbosch, Cape Town, August 2013 (referat).

Burman, M. S., Underhill, L. G., Altwegg, R., Erni, B. & M. Remisiewicz. 2012. Moult of the Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica: trends in timing over five decades. First National Global Change Conference, Boksburg, Gauteng, 26-28.11.2012 (poster).

Burman, M. S., Underhill, L. G., Altwegg, R., Erni, B. 2011. Moult of the Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica: trends in timing over five decades. Thirteenth Pan African Ornithological Congress, Arusha, Tanzania, 14-21.10.2012 (poster).

Centre for Statistics in Ecology, Environment and Conservation (SEEC, University of Cape Town) Student Symposia: 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 (referat).

African Climate and Development Initiative (ACDI, UCT) mini-conferences: 2015, 2016, 2017 (referat).

Exploring the ecological effects of global change and climate disruption using citizen science
bird monitoring data. Somerset West Bird Club, Cape Town. 6.7.2017 (referat).

Burman, M. S., Underhill, L. G., Altwegg, R., Erni, B. & M. Remisiewicz. 2016. Barn swallows in South Africa responding to Palearctic climate changes in the 1990s and 2000s – context, evidence and implications. University of Gdańsk. 14.11.2016 (referat).

Burman, M.S. & Redlisiak, M. The importance of ‚finding probability’ when estimating migratory mixing: comparing a medium- and long-distance migrant species. University of Gdańsk. 10.11.2016 (referat).


2016-2018 – uczestnik projektu: „Building an Early Warning System for Biodiversity in the Face of Climate Change” (Project PL-RPA/BEW/01/2016), finansowanego przez NCBiR (Poland) i NRF (RPA), w ramach współpracy między Polską a Republiką Południowej Afryki.